Επεξεργασία Bίντεο στα Eλληνικά – youtube video editor
www.e-tutorials.gr Σε αυτό το γρήγορο μαθηματάκι θα δούμε πως μπορούμε να κάνουμε την ζωή μας ποιο εύκολη μέσο του youtube video editor music – pure reason revolution purereasonrevolution.co.uk

compelling.tv – VISIT FOR MORE COOL TUTORIALS! Create Video from Powerpoint! This week I put Powerpoint through it paces to squeeze out some HD video awesomeness complete with cool animations, sound mixing and smooth silky gradients (hmm) … and you thought it was just for crappy slide presentations. Watch this take-no-prisoners, fast paced tutorial and learn some mad skillz to improve your videos. You’ll also learn how to squeeze out High Definition video directly from Powerpoint, preserving animations and transistions that can get mucked up by screen recording software. Don’t forget to join my newsletter at http and you can download the demo presentation for free! Join – compelling.tv http