✔★★☛How to sample in reason NNXT using free wave software

www.facebook.com add the bunglist, he makey the musics for ur ears. Check my channel for music I have made, feel free to comment rate friend req etc, just wanna get my stuff heard!! 😉 …. Goldwave should still be free trial from here…..www.goldwave.com you dont have to use goldwave, there are other free wav editors out there… Audacity is another recommended free one, if ypou are looking into buying one, try sony soundforge, thats what I prefer to use. Tutorial on how to put samples in music using reason NNXT NN-XT and Goldwave a free wave editor. Good for sampling vocals in jungle Drum and bass, dubstep, garage, house, trance, techno, electro, hip hop, pretty much any sort of tune in any dance orientated genre, also good for recording individual beats and creating loops with individual snares and kick drums etc. use this advice to cut sounds / samples from pretty much any source, radio, TV records vynyl, tape, microphone acapellas. you may need to play and pause this vid to keep up. As mentioned in the video, soundforge is a good main editor, mainly because it has time stretch and expand meaning you can speed up or slow down vocals to match your song and it doesnt go chipmonk style. There are other ways to sample, this is just the way I prefer and am used to. If anyone notice I went a long way round something please comment, I may have done it on purpose or I may not know. Liitle Tip for any really new users,……. ++++++++++++ right click on the nnxt and create
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