10 Creative Ways to Make Money Online
10 Creative Ways to Make Money Online
Looking for Ways to Make Money Online?
Your not Alone! With the way the economy is going people are finding it hard to make ends meet. Whether you are completely new to making money on The Internet or somewhat experience your sure to find something you can get started doing from home today!
Here are 101 creative ways to make money online and from home
1. Sell stuff on Ebay – Go to garage and estate sales and resell on Ebay or Use a wholesale Drop Shipper to sell items through ebay.
2. Sell articles – There are tons of web site owners that will pay you to write content for them. You can post an ad on digitalpoint forums , sitepoint marketplace or even at Writing Bids.com. Start out with really cheap prices( – for 500 words) so web masters can see your quality .
Once you have some steady clients you can adjust your prices accordingly.
3. Create a Blog – Make mini blogger.com sites and promote affiliate products like : Click bank, amazon, Commission Junction and more…
4. Article Submission – Just write short 250 – 400 word articles and put your affiliate landing page links in the resource box. Don’t have a landing page? Create a free web page over at weebly.com and Submit articles to sites like:
Ezinearticles.com articlesbase.com goarticles.com articlealley.com and many more.
5. Buy and Sell Domain names – There are still many good domain names that have been registered for years but the owner never developed a website , maybe they forgot they even owned the name? Contact them and offer a price – maybe you
can resell it for double the money! You can also look at domain forums and get some great deals if the owner needs money bad enough.
6. Find Expiring Domain names and park or sell them for money. Just to give you an idea of how this can be profitable: I found a really good expiring domain name once and backordered it for I turned around 2 weeks later and sold it for 0 . I like to use snapnames for my backorders they seem to be the best for me.
7. Start a forum – Then place Google adsense on it to make money. Choose a targeted topic where people can gather to talk about it. Sports, music, making money, working from home, etc.
8. Start an online shopping mall – Sell affiliate products, wholesale drop shipping or even start an
online Mall and let other people sell their products and earn commissions on their sales. Targeted sites do better with the mall option such as: craft stores, art and photos like istockphoto.com
9. Sell Amazon products on your web site – Create multiple web sites with the associate o matic amazon script and literally have hundreds of niche amazon stores bringing you money.
10. Buy books at garage sales and thrift stores and resell them on Amazon. It’s really easy to sell your used books on amazon and for most titles they have pre-made images you can use so there is no messing around with a digital camera.
Making Money online is both fun and exciting. What I like to do is setup outlook Mail to automatically play a cash register
“cha ching” sound every time I make a sale . I never get tired of hearing that sound and it motivates me to write one more article or one more web page. It doesn’t matter if you are selling your own product or somone else’s the important thing to remember is to Stick with it. Don’t give up on making money online – keep on trying because it can be done, even if you are completely new to the game. Learn from your mistakes and keep at it – I wish you much success!
Read the Complete List of 101 Ways to make Money Online
Article from articlesbase.com