10 Most Lovable Animation Movies


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Soon, the stage came where the audience gradually got the chance to see films or movies where each and every character was animated. Those are full fledged animated movies. If we take a look at the list of the block bluster movies, we will be surprised to find that animation movies are equally contributing to this list.

Movies like The Lion King, Shrek, Monsters, Toy Story, Aladdin, Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs, Ice Age, Tarzan, A Bug’s Life, etc. are considered as the top 10 animated movies both by the viewers and critics. Giant entertainment companies like Walt Disney, Pixar, Fox Entertainment, Dream Works, etc. have invested millions of dollars behind these animated movies and their profit was also up to the expectation.

The Lion King produced by Walt Disney Feature Production is one of the most thought provoking animated

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