100 ways to improve your sales success
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by phone, begin by putting together a good telephone script. If you want some examples, e-mail me and I will be happy to send you some
42. If you are cold calling, why not try a 3 stage process that professional telemarketing companies use. Phone call-mailshot-phone call. This approach pre warns the potential customer they are about to receive information and checks out that they are the right contact. Information is then sent out with a follow up phone call to book the appointment
43. When you call someone for the first time think about how you are going to introduce yourself. I like to give my first name then my full name. “Hello this is Frank. Frank Atkinson from the Sales Training Consultancy. How can I help you?”
44. Speak slower. We say our names 3 times faster than other bits of information. If you sound relaxed it
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