100 ways to improve your sales success
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are some tips for dealing with price: Make eye contact, be specific, and present the actual price with confidence.
89. Closing the sale. 70% of salespeople don’t ask for an order, or commitment. They lack confidence. Don’t be afraid to ask for the order. What is the worst thing that can happen?
90. At the time of closing the salesperson fears rejection and the buyer worries about making a mistake. The role of the salesperson is to ask for the order.
91. Don’t worry about closing techniques. The only close I use is the direct close. At the appropriate time I ask: “Would you like to go ahead?” There are only 3 answers. Yes, no, or maybe. The worst response is “No”
92. Accept rejection. It is very frustrating, but is a part of selling.
93. Negotiation. “A process of bargaining by
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