11 Monologue Audition Dos and Don?ts


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know the character inside and out as well as your lines, and that is exactly what the casting director should see. Your nerves have nothing to do with the character and your performance. Everyone is nervous, the guy operating the lights is nervous to some degree. You have to act. There’s nothing more to say. If you can’t set aside your feelings and act, than your in the wrong line of work. I don’t mean to sound harsh, but that’s how it works. An actor is a master of emotion. The first emotion you need to tame is your own. Just remember, however nervous you feel, think as your character. Your character isn’t nervous (unless the scene calls for it), because your character is experiencing something else. That’s the emotion you should be feeling. You character isn’t in an audition, so how could your character feel nervous about the audition.

10. DON’T

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