11 Monologue Audition Dos and Don?ts


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For those of you who read my other article, this might seem a little contradictory. Actually, it completely contradicts what I’ve said before, but I’m being told there is a difference between a monologue audition and an open casting call where you can read directly from the script. Before, I was told to never make up the lines if you don’t know them. Either you memorize or you read off the script. Well, it seems that’s not a rule written in stone. For your monologue audition, the golden rule is to not stop, pause or otherwise break from your monologue once performing it. If you forget the lines, basically make them up. If you’re on stage during a Broadway play and you forget your lines, you don’t stop. You stay in character and say what you think the character would say and hopefully the lines will come back to you. This is exactly what you should do

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