11 Monologue Audition Dos and Don?ts


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for your monologue audition. There is a good chance the auditioners will not know the lines exactly anyway. Just whatever you do, don’t stop your monologue. It’s considered very unprofessional. Forgetting lines is something that all actors go through. If you can cover and recover from this fear of all fears, you’ll receive that much more respect from the casting director. Perhaps, almost as much respect as if you remembered your lines.

11. DO keep your dignity:
When the monologue audition is over, it’s over. Leave with some dignity. Do not start dumping your reasons, excuses, personal problems, life tribulations or anything else that you think might justify what you did or did not do during your audition. Just thank the casting director for his or her time and leave with the level of professionalism they expect. Think of all the people they have to go

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