11 Monologue Audition Dos and Don?ts


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crumpled resumes or headshots, handwritten resumes, these are not acceptable in any occupation. If you think they are, stop reading now and search tirelessly for a new line of work. If you find a job, hold onto it for dear life, because you are lucky to get one.

3. DO what’s new:
Don’t take this the wrong way, the classics are just that, but when you’re auditioning in front of people who’ve seen it all, multiple times during several auditions you want to stand out. Sure, you might have a favorite movie, but how many times can you watch it consecutively before your mind begins to wander? You don’t want the casting director’s mind to wander during your audition. That’s not very memorable. Imagine being a casting director and you see Shakespeare (the auditioner thinks, “that was great I love Shakespeare”). Then, Shakespeare, Shakespeare,

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