11 Monologue Audition Dos and Don?ts


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Shakespeare, Shakespeare, Shakespeare, Shakespeare, Shakespeare (get the point). Suddenly, someone performs a monologue by Dilios from 300. Maybe not the best example, but you understand where I’m going with this. You want to be remembered when the day is done. Like American Idol, song choice, or in this case monologue choice, is key (I know, another American Idol reference…sorry). It’s like changing the channel from something they’ve seen a thousand times. Be different, and I guarantee they will sit up, listen and be very appreciative. Now, if you think you have Shakespeare down cold, and there’s nobody else that does it like you can, go for it! Seriously, if you can put everyone else to shame and your performance alone sets you apart than you have to do it. In that case, everyone else’s mediocre or poor performance will make you look that much better. However,

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