11 Monologue Audition Dos and Don?ts


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person. This makes sense to me, however, it might not be the best thing to do. Think of it this way. One, you want to be the focus of attention. You’ve just cut that focus in half. Two, the person auditioning you is now concentrating on his or her lines instead of yours. Three, it shows your true skill if you have the ability to place yourself into the role without actually being there. However, if the casting director insists that you use them as a partner, that’s a different story.

8. DON’T overact your role:
There is nothing worse than an actor walking into an open casting call and acting like a teenage drama queen in their audition. Flailing hands, raised voices and exaggerated body movements are not the hallmarks of a skilled and seasoned actor. Instead, it shows a level of insecurity and amateurish skill for which no respectable casting director

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