13 Steps to a ” Slippery Slope ” Online Sales Letter
13 Steps to a ” Slippery Slope ” Online Sales Letter
But here’s the problem: I see many of them trying to sell their e-book, tutorial, etc. on a regular Web page. They list a paragraph about the info-product and give the price, and they expect a slew of sales. Wrong. You need a special sales page that has a “slippery slope” sales letter. Remember that game Chutes & Ladders? If you landed on a space that had a chute on it, you just went down, Baby. No turning back. That’s how your sales letter should be – a “slippery slope” that pulls in the reader because it’s so compelling and interesting. Here’s a basic outline of the 13 elements you want to include. To see an example of them all in action, visit MY own sales page at www.BoostBizEzine.com. 1. Limit your navigation. The visitor should not be distracted by links that take her to your bio, other products, etc. The idea is to keep her on this page, reading your