2005 chevy tahoe lt dvd players in headrests dont uderstand please help?
Question by jaycee2277: 2005 chevy tahoe lt dvd players in headrests dont uderstand please help?
i bought this 2005 chevy tahoe with dvd players built in the headrests there was no owners manual with car how do i make them play they are very confusing even to get the sound out of the headphones please help me if you know how they operate how do i push the play button or listen to both the movie on the headphones and the radio through the car speakers at the sme time its not letting me do this
Best answer:
Answer by HyperGforce Lost In Oblivion
The DVD player built in the headrest are not factory.Please go to a place like circuit city and have one of the tecs look at your player.Sence they install this type of player they will be able to help you with the operation of your DVD player.Best of luck.
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