2010, a Year With Few Blacks in U.S. Movies

2010, a Year With Few Blacks in U.S. Movies
The films nominated for best picture Oscars this year are like most of the other films released in the United States in 2010, very white.
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For the best buddy movies, take a look behind the camera
For a group endeavour like film-making, a huge amount of attention is devoted to couples. Co-stars such as Astaire and Rogers or Bogart and Bacall have become the definition of on-screen chemistry. Behind the camera too, certain pairs are synonymous with each other. Imagine Steven Spielberg’s films, from Jaws’s ominous two-note tuba riff to soaring blockbuster themes, without the scores of John …
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‘Cold Weather’ a hot turn for Aaron Katz
The hard-boiled element behind brother-and-sister caper ‘Cold Weather,’ a hit at the South by Southwest Film Festival, took even director Aaron Katz by surprise. The hard-boiled element behind brother-and-sister caper ‘Cold Weather,’ a hit at the Sundance Film Festival, took even director Aaron Katz by surprise.
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