3 Great Ways to Earn Extra Money with Writing


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3 Great Ways to Earn Extra Money with Writing

Earning extra income from writing can be a lucrative, low-cost and schedule friendly adventure. It is not at all necessary to be a William Shakespeare to get work. All that is needed is the ability to do quick basic research and write clearly in an organized fashion.  Here are 3 of the top writing opportunities for the part time writer.

Freelance Writing Online: The internet has created an almost insatiable need for content. Articles are needed as a way to promote every product and every page of a website. Some marketers hire freelancers to write 30 to 50 short articles for each product they are selling. Obviously this is a monumental task for just one webmaster so it becomes necessary to seek writers for help.

The success of blogs has also created an opportunity for freelancers. Some blog owners hire writers to post short


items in their blogs on a frequent basis. Google often rewards blogs with fresh content by sending more visitors their way. Several websites, like elance.com, are now available where freelancers can bid on all kinds of writing assignments from all over the world. 

Writing eBooks Online: In the traditional printed book world an expensive print run of at least of 1,000 to 5,000 books has to be made before you can even test to see if there is a sufficient market for the subject. This method also takes a lot of precious time before even the first book can be sold. Since an eBook is just an electronic file, it has no material cost and it can be sold almost as soon as it is written. The biggest financial risk is usually just the cost of researching and writing.

Ebooks are great for people that buy on impulse because within a few minutes of paying


online, the eBook file is on their computer. There is absolutely no waiting for the mail. Some entrepreneurs have done extremely well writing just 10 to 15 page reports that sell on the internet. 

One of the keys to success in writing eBooks is learning how to pick a hot topic before you even start writing. Another essential task is to learn is how to market it once it is written.

Screenwriting for Movies: According to Moni Share, a veteran script reader turned screenwriter; the average working Hollywood screenwriter makes about 0,000 per year. After my many years of reading scripts, she learned that “99.9% of the script submissions out there are complete garbage. People don’t have a clue about structure, plot, story, characters, or anything marketable. People have no idea what would make a good film.” As a result, Moni has written a book


about screenwriting.

The good thing for aspiring screenwriters is that there is little competition for those that understand the basic elements of a good movie concept with the basic element of screenplay structure.

It almost goes without saying that it is wise to seek advice from those that have already succeeded in these writing ventures. Don’t waste your time trying to re-invent the wheel. Look for friendly experts for first-hand advice. Also search for eBooks or DVD training courses in this field.

For essential, first-hand advice from experts in the writing businesses mentioned above please follow this link: Extra Income Ideas for Writing   For a collection of other extra income ideas and expert training materials click here: Best Extra Income Ideas

Article from articlesbase.com

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