4.2 Holy Paladin Guide (PvE)

Welcome to my 4.2 holy paladin guide! I’ve been asked about holy paladin questions quite often so I thought making a video would be a good and easy way to teach people about playing a holy paladin. Hope this guide helps you in some way! Spells and Useage – 00:26 Healing Cooldowns – 01:03 Damage Reduction Cooldowns – 01:49 Tips – 02:24 Glyphs – 03:17 Spec – 04:21 Stats – 07:50 Gems – 08:42 Enchants – 09:00 Food and Consumables – 09:28 Addons I didn’t really mention addons in this guide but you are going to want a good raid frame addon for healing. I personally use Grid but it takes some time to setup. There is also other addons people use like Healbot and Vuhdo. Just try them and see which one works best for you. Other then that just make sure you have a working boss mod such as Deadly Boss Mods or Big Wigs. What’s Next? I usually go onto the PTR to test and record upcoming content so be sure to look out for that. If there are any new holy paladin changes I will also make an update video for 4.3. Maybe also a guide to setting up grid if people want it. Resources Elitist jerks – elitistjerks.com (Hasn’t been updated since 4.0.6 but still has some revelant information such as the holy radiance haste ticks. WoW Forums (H Pally Guide) – us.battle.net Big Crits If you haven’t heard of Big Crits then be sure to check out my guild’s webseries at www.bigcrits.com or http *I’m not sure how good the quality is going to be on this video since I’m still trying to figure out the best …
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