5 Ways Kids Can Make Money Online! (Secret – You Can Too!)


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5 Ways Kids Can Make Money Online! (Secret – You Can Too!)

Here’s five ways kids can make money online starting right away. And there’s a big secret – you can too! I never could keep a secret! So don’t worry kids, we’re not talking about raking leaves, mowing yards or shoveling snow! We’re talking about having fun and learning how to make money online.

The first two ways deal with affiliate marketing. Simply put, it’s a way to refer sales to a merchant, via your internet link, and get paid a commission from the merchant. Cool? So here goes:

Five Ways Kids Can Make Money Online

Blog about things they like (or dislike). By posting daily, fresh, original content on their blog, the search engines will notice. With a little promotion of their blog, they will get traffic. In addition to providing content to their visitors, they may provide links to various products and services related

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