5 Ways Kids Can Make Money Online! (Secret – You Can Too!)


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to their site. When a visitor purchases the goods or services, the “kid” gets a commission. This is very popular and addicting for teens especially.
Actively post in a Forum related to their site. In nearly every forum a space is provided for their “signature”. This bit of text they add appears underneath every post they make. So by incorporating their “affiliate link” in their signature, another avenue is opened. If a forum visitor is engaged by your post, reads your signature containing your link, clicks through and purchases, again, another commission.
Make money selling items on eBay. With their expertise on certain subjects and related items, they are instant experts in many subjects. Things like video games, computers, movies, music, (and for me cell phones) are commonplace to most kids today. Let them use that expertise to find bargains, or promote the sell of these

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