6 Steps to Making Money Online


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6 Steps to Making Money Online

Most people want to make money online and their not sure how? Or you’ve been trying and things don’t seem to map out for you. Well, I’ve put together a 6 step process to making money online, use this to plan your next project and make sure you see it to completion

1. Figure Out Your “Why” – I think that this is the most important step in accomplishing anything. You must figure why you are doing this. Most of you will say, “to make more money”, duh! But you got to dig deeper and find out what that extra income will do for you. This will also keep your head in the game when it seems like you can’t complete task in front of you.

2. Write Down Your Plan – When making money online you must always have a plan and be sure to write it down. I’ve written and journal-ed just about everything I’ve done in business


for the past 3 years. This is very beneficial when you go back and look over your notes to see what you can implement today and see what you can do next that you’ve always wanted to do. Basically it’s like writing your own movie.

3. Decide on you “How”
– Now you want to figure out how you want to make money online. Your have a lot of options, but most people will go with the following: affiliate marketing, network marketing, niche marketing, creating and selling your own products. Now you may look at the list and think all of those may look appetizing but you must focus on one at a time. I advise getting into Network marketing online, because if you choose the right company they have the system already setup for you, you just have to send traffic. In any case, do your research on each of these methods and find which one suits you the best, then


start with it.

4. Start Your Education – Starting an online business or even spending money without educating yourself is just plain crazy. You need the know how of how to get this going, not only to build confidence but to get better results when you try things. There’s no need to buy every course there is on the Internet to learn. There are also free resources such as YouTube that you can learn from and of course use the almighty search engine, Google to search for the information that you are looking for.

5. Take ACTION – I can’t express this enough. You can do all the learning and studying in the world but if your not putting what you know into action your efforts will be lost. Nothing will happen without action. If you done all the research you can to feel comfortable with the online money making thing. Please take


action on what you know so you can get the results and then tweak the results to get better and better until you master your craft.

6. Work and Never Ever Give Up – It’s going to take hard work to get where you want to in life, believe me it’s not easy like all the so called gurus will tell you. None the less, if you put in the hard work you will get much higher gains in return. I think the most important step in this entire article is to never ever give up, because when you do you will never realize what you could have did.

Well there you have it folks, please put into action what you’ve learned in this article so that you can have huge results like I did.

Dontrell is a network marketing analyst who specializes in online

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Article from articlesbase.com

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