85 Free Php Scripts
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just filling out a form. This script checks the required fields, sends a thank you message to the person who suggests your site and attaches a pre-defined text to the suggestion mail. Supports both English and Turkish languages.
24) A PHP Script For Building A Web Ring:
A Webring Script! Create Your Own Network Of Websites by creating a webring with this nice script! It will automatically email the members of your webring, and keeps detailed stats of the visitors you receive to your webring! A Very nice well designed script, and very easy to install!
25) A PayPal Store Shopping Cart:
This shopping cart script is a data base driven content management system using PHP and MySQL on a Unix platform (it may work on a windows but I have not tested yet). It supports PayPal IPN, LinkPoint, Worldpay and Authorize.net integration and for those who have
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