85 Free Php Scripts
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a merchant account at their bank there is a way to store credit card info encrypted on the server using mcrypt; it uses a key for encrypting/decrypting CC numbers to and from the data base in SSL.
26) PHP Form To Email Script SECURE!:
It is hard to find a form mail script that will securely deliver your client’s results every time, while concealing your email from the SPAM bots! This Script Will Do Just That! The script was cleverly written to disguise your email address, and yet get the results of every form filled out straight to your inbox! We recommend this script highly, and our clients LOVE it!
27) A Online MultiPlayer Chess Script
This is an advanced WebChess game where two people can meet up online and play vs. each other. It has many advanced features such as Pawn Promotion, Move Validations, Tells if King is checked, and many,
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