85 Free Php Scripts
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automatically calculated and updated every time a game is played/entered. The news module features an HTML news creator/editor that can be used to post news.
40) A PHP Whois Lookup Script!
This script is a ready to use WHOIS lookup PHP script that all you have to do is unpack, upload and you are ready to go. The script checks for .com, .net, .org, .biz and .info domain names. No PHP knowledge required! This is the latest updated version which is super easily to customize; you can easily change the language (few lines) or disable domains you don’t need.
41) HOT PHP Visitor Logging Script!
This Hot PHP script is a state-of-the-art visitor logging script that can easily display 10 vital statistics about your users. The advanced visit logs this script generator tells you the IP Address, language, browser, operating system, if the user is new to
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