85 Free Php Scripts
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any way.
* Very easy to admin via the web – log in and add / edit categories and links.
* Visitors to your site can recommend new links, which you can then validate.
* Allows visitors to rate your links from 1-10, and displays average rating.
* Rating a link more than once is discouraged using cookies.
* Number of hits each link has received is recorded and displayed.
* Very easy to set up and use, thanks to an installation script and config file.
* Built in Search Feature.
* Most popular, top rated and newest links pages.
5) PHP MySQL Website Stats Business:
This script is simply awesome! It is a new PHP script, and will allow you to set up your own link tracking business! There are two different memberships you can sell with this script, and both are beneficial to you! The lite membership costs less, but requires your
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