85 Free Php Scripts
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images from regular jpg, gif or png images, look no further as this is definitely the PHP script for you and will get the job done.
65) MySQL-Based Office Intranet Suite
This hot script is a PHP and MySQL-Based office intranet suite similar to other more expensive scripts. It includes a news page, calendar (WebCalendar), rolodex, contact log, network status page, task list, time sheet, office survey, and more. All-in-all this is a great script and will be very useful for those who are looking an office intranet solution.
66) Another PHP Web FTP Program
This tool can be used to access FTP sites from behind any firewall or proxy. Simply enter the server name (e.g. ftp.ebay.com), username and password or click the anonymous button and enter your e-mail address. The script will make a FTP connection from the server it is running from. When the
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