Five alive: mayoral movie magic

Movie Mosaic
good movie making programs
Image by Heather F
1. SLiTHER wallpaper, 2. Killing In The Name Of, 3. Brendan Frasier 3, 4. angelina jolie broken, 5. Steel Magnolias, 6. Serenity, 7. the gateway, 8. fairy catch and release program, 9. "It’s Not Easy Having A Good Time…, 10. for reasons unknown, 11. GERARD BUTLER, 12. Geena Davis

From Bart…

The concept:

a. Type your answer to each of the questions below into Flickr Search.
b. Using only the first page, pick an image.
c. Copy and paste the html into your blog or Flickr stream (the easiest way is to copy the URLs and then head over to the fd’s flickr toys and use the mosaic maker).

The Questions (and answers – subject to change on a whim):

1. Favorite movie? (SLiTHER)
2. Favorite movie genre? (Horror)
3. Favorite actor? (Brendan Frasier)
4. Favorite actress? (Angelina Jolie)
5. What movie always makes you cry? (Steel Magnolias)
6. What movie have you watched over & over & over? (Serenity)
7. Worst move you ever saw? (The Gate)
8. What was the last movie you watched? (Catch and Release)
9. Favorite cult movie? (Guess. Hehe.)
10. Most embarrassing favorite movie? (I’m not embarrassed by my movie likes or dislikes, so I just did an “unknown.”)
11. Hottest actor or actress? (Gerard Fookin’ Butler)
12. The actor or actress most people say you remind them of? (Geena Davis)

Five alive: mayoral movie magic
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