Ein’s PA Minecraft Server: Welcome to Rapture, Part 1

PART 1 of 2. PART 2: www.youtube.com NEW: COME SEE THE SERVER! We’ve set up a mirror version of our build server where you guys can come and wander around Rapture, if you want. Build privileges are disabled! The IP is worldfair.dyndns.org. 720p quality strongly recommended. Video of one of the Penny Arcade community’s servers! By now the Cult of Rapture server has made its rounds on the internet and gotten all of the attention it well and truly deserved. However, back when I first set the minecraft server up, most of us hadn’t caught wind of it yet, so we set about making Rapture on our own. We were not trying to precisely duplicate Rapture. Given that the build server regularly hosts 30+ people, trying to precisely recreate a game that some might not have played didn’t seem like a worthwhile endeavor. What we did, instead, was try and retain the flavor of Rapture, while still enjoying the process of making our own original creations. Obviously, this means we have structures that did not exist in the game – such as our giant Surface Recreation Dome, which is one of the main hubs of the city. With that said, we’re still tremendously proud of our accomplishments so far, so we put this video together to celebrate our current progress. I just want to emphasize that all of the construction on the map is done by hand. Nothing was editor’d in. Admins and mods on the main build server do spawn blocks for people when needed, but only for things that can’t otherwise by regularly
Video Rating: 4 / 5

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