What are the process of making a movie?
Question by tha_infamous_hydro: What are the process of making a movie?
I Love watching movies, and I hope y’all are too, but I just want to know what the process of making a movie, such as The Dark Knight for example. What do they have to do first and the next?
Best answer:
Answer by Will Robinson
The Dark Knight is a bad example really because the idea’s already there; i.e. it’s a sequel.
These days it all starts out with what’s called a treatment; a proposed idea of the plot and what’s generally going to happen. These can vary from very basic (1-2 pages) to very in depth (5+ pages). These are shown to prospective film companies with hopes of an idea being taken on board.
If it seems like a good premise then a rough draft of the script is written and handed over in hopes of getting it funded. This is then worked on, and refined; and then it comes to bringing in a possible director. Money begins to exchange hands. Actors are proposed.
The director then works with an established art department who will draft up a storyboard (pictures to represent possible camera shots) and propose ideas for all the imagery to be used (costumes, vehicles, etc). While this is going on, the locations manager (and crew) will begin scouting for possible places to shoot the scenes.
Both special effects, and costume depts. are brought in to create the imagery and reference models to help with more elaborate storyboarding. Camera’s are brought in along with sound and shooting crew, oh, and actors. Basic filming starts. Usually, just prior to, and during filming there will be an external visual effects team to develop any CGI needed.
Basic editing begins. When filming is nearly complete and there’s a workable (basic) version of the film ready, it gets duplicated and passed (simultaneously) to sound effects (for audio editing) and the conductor/music team.
Usually, during the time the soundtrack is being added they’ll show a screener (pre-release version) to a select group of people and gauge the reactions of the audience. Final editing takes place.
Finally, everything gets cleaned and tidied. A master is made of the movie, duplicated, and shipped out to cinemas.
Hope this helps a little.
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