Is there some way to get in touch with movie producers or something to make movie suggestions?

Question by [tha kid]: Is there some way to get in touch with movie producers or something to make movie suggestions?
Some way through the internet or phone, where i can make movie suggestions? Or is this impossible?

Best answer:

Answer by Bob
This is impossible. Producers surround themselves with defenses to prevent people who are not established writers or known agents from giving them ideas. One has his secretary open all his mail and, if there’s a script, proposal or song in the mail, she is to “shred it and don’t tell me you got it”. Why? Fear of lawsuits. If he hears your idea and turns you down, he has to worry that ten years from now you’ll come back and point to some recent hit and say, “you stole my idea”. One guy sued NBC claiming the he had created The Cosby Show because, years before he had told them to make a show about a black professional and his family. (The case was silly and he lost, but it cost NBC money to hire lawyers to get it thrown out.)

It’s the same way with unsolicited manuscripts to publishing houses. An author not coming through an agent has no chance.

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