Adding music to a video made on Microsoft Movie Maker? Making different audio levels through the video?

Question by Raia: Adding music to a video made on Microsoft Movie Maker? Making different audio levels through the video?
It won’t let me take music from iTunes. I was thinking about using the narrater and recording a song by putting the mic to the speaker, but it would probably be terrible quality. How can I add music of good quality to it?

Also, is there a way to make the audio levels different at certain parts in the video from others?

Thanks a bunch!

Best answer:

Answer by Lishcusslands L
iTunes music, video has drm protection, You can try the best DRM remover software which could legally remove any DRM WMV/WMA/M4P/M4V/M4A/M4B/ASF protection and convert iTunes video, music, movie and other popular video & audio even HD video. With this powerful DRM remover, you can customizable output profiles with your own style.

The All-In-One software provides you DRM remover, video converter, audio converter, video to audio converter and HD video converter. The output files of finicky formats can be played on all popular digital media player: iPod, Creative ZEN, Zune, iPhone, PSP, Archos and other MP3/MP3 players.
Also, you can google some other software:

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