Q&A: Web site programming?

Question by lrdnitecon: Web site programming?
Ok… my background in web design is basically html and css. I am extremely good at both of these and do almost all my sites by hand (yes i know time consuming). I made a site that lists all the movies I own since I have like 600 and add new ones each week. What I am wanting to know is how to go about adding my new movies and have them automatically insert them selves into the correct spot (lets say alphebetically). This way I dont have to retype or do alot of cut and pasting the html lines just to make room for one or 2 movies. I was thinking about trying like php or mysql but im not sure if thats what i need to learn or do I need to make an access data base with the titles and other info to help make it searchable? Any help on this would be extremly greatful. Any question or if you dont understand what im asking please feel free to email me. Thanks in advance.

Best answer:

Answer by catbertnc
A database like MySQL is exactly what you need. You’ll also need to use a server-side scripting language like PHP to integrate the database into your site.

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