Lastest Making Of Movie News

Let’s Make A Movie! camera crew
making of movie
Image by windsordi
Traffic cones and a line of white panel equipment trucks are the indicator that film crews and movie stars will be busy soon.
Today in the Entertainment district I shot the following…
the camera crew
the sound check
escorting the star after the shoot

A fairly standard sight in downtown Toronto, but a fun one to catch, nevertheless…

Pretend you’re a stringer for your local newspaper today. Make a photo that captures something newsworthy to you. #ds444

In surprise appearance, Jobs unveils iPad 2
Apple chief executive Steve Jobs emerged from medical leave to unveil a new version of the iPad designed to tighten the company’s grip on the booming tablet computer market.
Read more on AFP via Yahoo! News

‘Rango’ sells its soul for live-action
‘Rango’ — 1 1/2 stars As a family-demographic product “Rango” has a million selling points, among them an unusually strong voice cast headed by Johnny Depp in tremulous-aesthete mode; a popular live-action director making his feature animation debut; and a twist on a genre temporarily back in vogue, thanks to “True Grit.”
Read more on Chicago Tribune

Best entertainment bets for March 4-10
The work of Frank Theatre is always worth seeing, but when the uppity company does a rare musical, one can’t help but arch one’s brows and take notice.
Read more on Pioneer Press

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