How do i make a short action movie?
Question by Joel: How do i make a short action movie?
i just got my HD camera, adobe aftereffects,photoshop, n sony vegas pro 9 and wanna make a awesome movie wit tons of special effects but hav no idea where to start! plz can sumone explain the steps or sumthin, thnx! 🙂
Best answer:
Answer by sath
first think of two questions
1. where do you want to shoot.
2. and how many persons you have to act.
bcoz this is short movie.
then acoording to the location and no of actors create a story just in half paragraph.
example line: mr x comes home and sleep in sofa.
expand this half paragraph with the element like, dialogues, camera angles and thier movement. title the each new start of camera shot as scene 1,2,3……
example: scene 1: indoor/night
mr x comes home removing his shoes one by one and placing it in shoe racks, then he enters the room and take the music player remote control from sofa and playing music.meanwhile calling her wife
mr x: “are you in home”
then slows down the volume of music in remote control and lies down in sofa.
involve others:
explain the story to the actors.
do the recording as you written in script .dont record the video in any effect, shoot in normal mode. if you want any effects you can add it in editing.
transfer the video to pc, do some editing. title the movie. please reffer the respective software manuals to do it.
enjoy the film.
hey send me the clip!
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