My Movie-Argument Of Design.wmv

For a recent Religious Studies project we had to create a video explaining a Philosophical argument. My group chose the Teleological Argument. When it was three days till we had to hand it in and we still hadn’t done anything, I said that I would compose a song (seeing as I’m good at that kind of stuff), and just record myself playing and singing it. I wrote half of it that night, and showed it to them the next day. My friend realised that it fits perfectly to the tune of Firework, Katie Perry, so I wrote the rest of the song, tweaked it to fit with the song, found the instumental to it online, recorded myself singing the night before it was due in, spent 3 hours the next morning making the video (What? I’ve never made a music video before!), was nealy late for school, and showed it in class later that day. It was recieved well, the teacher liked the lyrics, everyone thought I sang OK. I just hope none of them sneakily recorded it whilst it was showing, cause that would be bad. If they did, It’s probably all over facebook now. Ah, well! Though there was four of us in our group, I did do most of the work (sorry guys, you are amazing, really!), though if one of them hadn’t pointed out that it fit to Firework, I would have wasted alot of time having to try and compose a piano tune to it. You know who you are, so thanks!! I have heard that since people have heard this, they have not been able to listen to Firework without laughing. If that happens to you, sorry!! Please keep
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