Full Story of Poster Altercation at McCaskill Event: by Peter Glickert

This video provides the full breadth of what happened at Senator Claire McCaskill’s town hall event in Hillsboro, Missouri. I must make one thing clear, it is not the intention of this video in any way shape or form to blame the actions of the police officers. They were doing their job and this video is intended to highlight the discrepancies between what was covered by the media and what was not. In addition to how biased those in attendance were towards the 4 black females. If they were fair then they would have shown the same displeasure towards the 3 white audience members holding the “Don’t tread on me” flags, which were held up the entire town hall event. NOTE: CNN HAS AMENDED THEIR STORY AND THE OPENING CLIP USED FOR CONTEXT OF THE ORIGINAL COVERAGE. CNN IS THE ONLY NEWS TO HAVE COVERED THE STORY IN FULL.
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hey guys its josh, let me guys know if you want to see stuff like this.
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