Is the ContourHD video camera a great camera for making movies or homemade movies?

Question by Kenny: Is the ContourHD video camera a great camera for making movies or homemade movies?
When I say movies, I mean a movie with a plot, script, director, and actors/actresses. I am a 15 year old movie maker and I make movies and shows on DVDs for my family and friends to watch for free. I think of myself as an entertainer. I’m also a amateur visual effects artist and computer animator. I think the ContourH HD video camera is a great camcorder because I’ve seen some of the test videos made from the ContourHD and they have a very high resolution and fantastic quality! I know it’s expensive, but that okay. I also heard that this camcorder comes with a waterproof case, but it’s optional and you have to pay $ 30 for it. So answer my question please: ContourHD video camera a great camera for making movies or homemade movies??

Best answer:

Answer by Mmm J
It is a good helmet cam.

Since it does not have a mic jack, manual audio control, small lens and tiny imaging chip – and no zoom or other controls, using it as a “general purpose” cam means using it in a way that it was not designed to be used…

Will it work? Sure. Is it a good way to go? Not really.

For example: A bicycle is a great way to get from one place to another. But if you want to carry a bunch of people or groceries, using a wagon or a car or a truck would be a much better way to get that stuff moved. That said, if the bicycle is your only choice, it is what it is and you do the best you can with the tools available.

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