Q&A: why do people hate the last airbender movie so much?
Question by Ashleyday: why do people hate the last airbender movie so much?
i heard it was because they say some of the name diff. but come on people who cares? they had a lot of stuff 2 put in the movie so of course they could’t add everything. its hard to make a movie out of a tv series.
Best answer:
Answer by XxJayleen_SucksXx
That’s the same thing I’m saying alot of people even my friend is saying it wasn’t all that
I felt i love with the tv series. It was so interesting and breath taking
I haven’t seen the movie yet but on commercials it is really awesome
I know it will be a good movie for me even though i havent watched it
But everybody has different taste in movies, everyone is different
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