Q&A: How do you use Windows Movie Maker?

Question by 285neo1: How do you use Windows Movie Maker?
I know it makes movies. I just want to know how to add clips and change the design to make a movie about me. So-far I only know how to make a title and add music. But the music doesn’t work. So basically how do you make a movie?

Best answer:

Answer by vbmica
The basic procedure is to Import your video, audio or music using the text menus in the Movie Tasks pane on the left.

Once you have them imported, they will be visible in the large white area of MovieMaker

Make sure you have the Timeline visible (click the “Show Timeline” button at the bottom if you are viewing the Storyboard.)

Now you can just drag your clips down to the Timeline and arrange them any way you want including the music. Drag edges to shorten clips.

Have fun.

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