Lastest Making Money Movie News
The Usual Suspects
Image by illuminaut
The moment of reckoning for Agent Kujan. And just like that, he was gone.
Day 185 of 365 and Day five of the movie theme week, nearing its end.
For tV: rae’s movie week
For TRP: The World’s Biggest Coffee Morning. MacMillian Coffee is raising money and awareness for cancer research. Please consider getting involved.
The More You Know™: The background is an actual still frame from the movie, re-lit to fit the rest of the image.
Strobist: SB600 camera left through umbrella at 1/32 in a dark room and camera exposure at 1s. The faint light on subject left is a computer monitor with just enough brightness to light up the face but not cause motion blur. Triggered via TTL sync cable (no idea why they insist on this silly detail, what difference does it make how you trigger your flash?).
Netflix: What’s really behind the price increase?
Why is Netflix raising its prices? In part, because the company miscalculated how many people still want to receive DVDs by mail each month, a more expensive service to provide compared to its streamed Internet videos.
Read more on The Cleveland Plain Dealer
Meet America’s king of airline fees
Spirit Airlines is the frat boy of the airline industry, known for provocative ads and a no-apologies attitude. But its CEO is more like the captain of a marching band.
Read more on Boston Globe
Meet America’s king of airline fees
Meet America’s king of airline fees
Read more on Canadian Business