Question by moviefan: I’m Making A Movie ? TEN POINTS BEST ANSWER?
Okay, so I am in loooooooooooove with movies and making movies and audio recording and recognition and all that jazz. The oscars are bigger than Christmas to me.
I have made many movies before with a wide range of actors and actresses (many of them my friends but oh well..) and I finally worked up the courage to send one of my best films (in my opinion) to a film festival where I live.
It turns out it won first place in the drama category and I couldn’t have been happier. (Won some money, too! Hehehe)
Anyways, enough of my life story…
I was just wondering if any of you can help me think of and idea for a really emotional, sad, angry, breathtaking, leaves-you-stunned dramatic movie. I usually get my ideas from dreams I have, but now I’m stuck.
I know, I know, I should ‘wait for the inspiration to find me.’ But I’m really stuck, and I need help.
Thank you so much ! :]
Best answer:
Answer by cwall_fe
I’m intrigued – I find myself having too many ideas and I want to ultimately write screenplays. I would love to see what you’ve put together. My little niche is drama, thriller, dramedy. I am currently writing a story called “situationships” and finishing the screenplay for a story called “Seven Year Itch”. I know it’s been used but it is not like the film of the 50s and its not NEARLY as campy as the Chris Rock – I think I love my wife.
Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!