Is making a video on windows movie maker compatible to burn to dvd?
Question by kix2989: Is making a video on windows movie maker compatible to burn to dvd?
i’m making a movie for my grandma’s b-day with pictures and music for a video photo album. there are relatively old pictures like 80 years old, and i know wmm is not that advanced but will the video burn to dvd, and if so will the quality suck? also, is there any other programs, free or relatively cheap i could use to make a better movie? And, i have already started to make the video on wmm, so would there be any way to export my work into one of these new programs, or would i have to start over?
thanks so much. any help would be appreciated. this would be a real treat if i could get it done for my grandma’s 80th.
Best answer:
Answer by amanda b
Windows Movie Maker is the best free program to use. But, you can’t take the actual file and put it on a DVD, but it’s really quick and easy to make it into an avi file. All you need to do is publish it to your computer. Then, it’s an avi file, and it can play on your usual video player. Then, you could just use Windows DVD Maker to make the DVD: all you need to do is select the avi file for the video. And the quality is very good, as long as the photos put into the video is good quality. Good luck, and I’m sure your grandma will appreciate your gift; I know that my mom appreciated it when I did it for her!
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