Q&A: how do i contact mirimax films about the making of a movie?

Question by cppanm1615: how do i contact mirimax films about the making of a movie?
I would like to make a movie based on a series of books I’m writing, called “Death in the Trenches” (the movie is the same name as the series of the books) and I need to know how to contact Mirimax Films, the same production company that Cold Mountain was produced by.

Best answer:

Answer by wallyinsa
I’m sorry, but don’t waste your time. Chances are 99% it will be returned
unopened. The reason being that should they read what you send and
they come out with a similar series, you can sue them for stealing your
idea. They may already have that idea on the drawing board.. Not to
mention they have their own people or contacts to come up with ideas.
You need to finish your books, find an agent and then get them published
And if you self publish, make sure you do the copyright thing. Good luck on
your venture. don’t give up or get discouraged and I’ll keep an eye out for
your books.

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