Are movie posters made in adobe illustrator or photoshop?
Question by : Are movie posters made in adobe illustrator or photoshop?
I know illustrator is a vector based program allowing your work to never get pixilated, so is that how professionals make posters or do they use photoshop? This got me curious because I always assumed they would use illustrator, but then I thought what do they do with the images of a person? Can you turn them into vectored images? Please explain to me how a poster is made with person in it so it can fit from a small poster to giant billboard like we see all the time in our life.
Best answer:
Answer by Duncan
You can use any software to create a poster. Most designers will use a combination of Illustrator, Photoshop, InDesign or even Word depending on the particular job. You would need a TIFF file for the graphics as JPEG and PNG formats will look messy when printed in a large size. If you actually want a poster printed it is best to speak to the printer to see how they would like the file delivered. Most will want a PDF file with the fonts embedded but they may want anything, such as TARGA to Continuous Tone (Scitex) or 4/6 colour separations.
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