My Top 9 Ninth Doctor Moments
I decided to do this because I wanted to do more Doctor Who stuff, and since I’m watching through the first couple of seasons of series, and now I’m just starting on the second season, I figured I’d do this to say goodbye to the first one, and the Ninth Doctor. I may do one for the tenth, but I’ll have to get the third and fourth seasons for that as well. Also, don’t complain about what isn’t there or the rankings. It was hard enough for me to narrow it down to just nine great clips, and then even harder to rank them personally, but this is how it ended up. I will tell you though, that it was REALLY CLOSE between the top 3, and I’m still not totally sure about that ranking. Anyways, I’ll put an annotation commentary on this later. Also, if you desperately want to make a Doctor Who intro like I did, use some tips (or just completely follow the guide) here: Part 1 is for Series 5. If you want to do Series 1-4 you’ll need to watch both parts to understand some of the things going on in Part 2. Also, you’ll need the full version of BluffTitler and GOOD video editing software (sorry, but WMM or whatever Windows Live gives you now, I don’t know, won’t cut it). Doctor Who, credit sequences, and theme song copyright of BBC.
Video Rating: 4 / 5
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