Tangled — Film Review
Tangled (2010), 8/10. Full episodes of Movie Night, every Friday night at: bit.ly ~~ Movie Night ~~ This “Quick Review” is an excerpt from a full episode. Incorporating viewer comments and tweets, your host and film critic Jonathan Paula reviews everything from opening day releases, recent DVDs, and classics from years past. Along with your votes, these films are scored on the “Rate-O-Matic” for a 1-10 ranking. A “Five Word Summary” quickly encapsulates each review while “Factor Facts” highlight the the best and worst features of a movie in each of ten key categories. New episodes every Friday (November through May) on the JPizzle1122 channel. Born in February 1986, Jonathan Paula is a professional YouTuber and creator of the hit web series, “Is It A Good Idea To Microwave This?”. In April 2006 he founded Jogwheel Productions, a new media production company that specializes in web video. He has been reviewing films since 2003, and professionally since 2009. Jon graduated from Emerson College in 2008 with a degree in Television Production / Radio Broadcasting. He currently lives in Rockingham, NH with his wife Rebecca. ~~ Links ~~ Facebook —————- bit.ly Twitter ——————— bit.ly Main Channel ———– bit.ly 2nd Channel ———— bit.ly Movie Night Show —– bit.ly FAQ Video ————— bit.ly T-Shirts ——————- bit.ly ~~ Technical ~~ Created by —— Jonathan Paula Camera ———- Panasonic DVX-100b Microphone —– Sennheiser …
Video Rating: 5 / 5
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Video Rating: 4 / 5