Q&A: What is a really good software movie making for MAC?

Question by Art-tastic123: What is a really good software movie making for MAC?
I have a MAC computer and I make and shoot a lot of video’s. iMovie is way to basic for me. Is there something out there like iPulp-Animation? It needs to be 100% FREE! Its ok if the creator of the software asks for donations, as long as I don’t have to! The software can not be a demo either because then when im done with my finished piece it says DEMO DEMO DEMO all over it!

I have a Windows computer as well. So there could be a FREE software for Windows too!

Why iMovie is so basic for me is because you cant do much with what your shooting! Lets say I wanted to shoot an interview, There would be a bar at the bottom saying who the person is. Or if I was a News person, I would have “News at 8” or something around me.

Must have:
* 100% FREE
* Windows or Mac
* Not DEMO
* Must have many “borders” (like The News or Interviews)
* Must have sound effects
* must beable to import from video camera.


Best answer:

Answer by A*
I don’t know if this meets all your criteria but try Jahshaka. The good thing is it’s free.

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