Profits And Adventures Of Making An Adult Movie
Profits And Adventures Of Making An Adult Movie
First of all if you are looking for porn or links to porn in this article, I suggest you move on. This article just details my whimsical decision to make an adult movie and profit from it.
I was sitting at home, I was bored and I was trying to think of a fun way to make a little extra money. I don’t know why but I turned on my computer and starting searching for small business ides and one item I came across was that the porn industry was making ten billion dollars a year, and that the fastest growing segment in the porn industry was true amateur movies whether they where on DVD or on the web.
Well, this set my mind to racing about a hundred miles an hour. I was not sure I could make a porn movie. I worried about the ethical aspects of it, but more importantly I wondered what would happen if my friends, or worse, my parents where to see