Vid 20 – “Bonesaw Spec” [Bonesaw Bamf] Turmoil Edge Pking Armadyl Godsword Pk New Wild 200M Profit Version 1.4 of my guide is OUT for New Wild – Money making, pking tips, and much more (how i made 2b on three accounts) Some clips from commentary 2 and 3 were used (no clips were used from Vid 19 only since then) Also subscribe to the best staker in RS: Crisp editing, wanted to keep it neat and simple. ENJOY the songs they were hard to find and are original. 200+ pkers downed for this video. The loot tab was empty before i pked in new wild. Please subscribe + like my videos for future videos 🙂 Join my clan chat “Ice Giant 99” to hang out.
Video Rating: 4 / 5
Welcome to the 12th episode of my maxing it out series where I bring you weekly progress videos of my road to max/completionist cape in Runescape! Subscribe to my Runescape Show if you only want to see runescape content from me! =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= ▼For MOAR JeremyDwayne▼ =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Subscribe! Follow My Twitter Follow My Livestream =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=