Can someone help me see video in Microsoft Movie Maker?
Question by Terra: Can someone help me see video in Microsoft Movie Maker?
I’ve converted my VOB files to MPG since that’s one of the supported file types, but for some reason, when I try to import MGP video files into Microsoft Movie Maker, I find that it only imports the audio, not the video… of course, I need both in order to edit.
Can someone please help? I’m not a very technical person – so PLEASE don’t say I need some sort of codecs – that is totally confusing to me.
Should I be using another movie making software? Of course, I’m looking for something for free… and heard this was actually really good – if only i could get my video imported!
Ok – I went to and downloaded Nimo Codec Pack but still don’t see anything on the screen. What am I doing wrong?
Best answer:
Answer by pumpkingrenade
Bad program. Use other software like studio 9 to edit video. Its really really really worth it.
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