Movies mean music, and movies could also mean? amazing ringtones!
Movies mean music, and movies could also mean? amazing ringtones!
“What do you think about movies? What do you think movies mean?” I asked some of my friends these questions and each of them had a different answer. To some, movies mean art; movies are for expression; movies are sources to let people know what is happening around us; movies tell us what reality is, and they also tell us fairly tales; movies tell us about different kinds of people and they sometimes even show us. To others, movies mean famous stars. Simply put, movies are entertainment. It’s just a matter of opinion. To me, movies mean happy moments when I can enjoy the great music from my favorite movies.
You know, nobody can deny the role of music in movies. I love the songs in movies and they are my passion; this passion has recently led me to a great hobby: collecting great audio clips and turning them into ringtones. I have been